Rail Talk Episode 41: Derby 150 w/the Brunette Bonanza
The milestone 150th running of the Kentucky Derby is almost upon us and to celebrate, Joe Bianca and Jon Green welcomed the ‘Brunette Bonanza’ of America’s Best Racing’s Keeneland Weekend Preview Show to the Rail Talk set! Alexa Zepp, Ren Carothers and Rachel Miller’s show has caught on a ton and with good reason, bringing the humor and levity of racing/handicapping to the forefront. That was obviously a natural fit with Joe and Jon, so all five of them put together a Derby handicapping contest. Many laughs were had, it was more than a bit unruly, but there were also some sharp insights as each participant picked their top four horses for Saturday’s Run for the Roses. The prize? Naming rights for a DJ Stable 2-year-old of 2025!
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